Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Self Portrait

This is always an awkward thing to do, because you sort of want to make yourself look good but then feel like you should be modest enough to make it look realistically like yourself. Besides, I don't have any plans to become a dictator of a nation so I don't exactly need to add broad shoulders or be riding a virile stallion.

Anyway, I haven't done one of these in a while so I sketched up a self portrait.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Little Me and A Little Cupcake

Here are a couple of things I've been up to. I dug up an old picture of myself that used to hang in my (all pink) bedroom as a kid and did a little acrylic painting of it. Also a sketch of a photo of one of my parents' chihuahuas, who some might call my favorite (but who could blame me when she's got that kind of adorableness?).