Thursday, November 7, 2013

Trystan's Portrait

I was recently asked by a friend to create a Warhol-inspired piece for her best friend and her best friend's twin's birthdays (say that 5 times fast). The subject was her best friend's twin's little boy Trystan. The reference photo she gave me was almost too adorable for words, and was needless to say a delight to work on.

I started with a pencil drawing:

Then I snapped a picture of it and uploaded into Photoshop. I quickly bumped up the exposure and heightened the contrast, then digitally broke it into color planes, literally referencing the color palette of two actual Warhols. I came up with the first piece:

Then a 2nd variation:

 I had originally intended to print out the pieces on specialty paper (100lb Eames linen in white) but of course Murphy has a law and the paper jammed the machinery. So instead, I had the pieces printed on regular 11"x17" poster paper and glued that to the linen. Then I distressed the pieces by gently rubbing the surfaces with sand paper up and down, right to left to simulate the texture canvas. I wouldn't say it was convincing, but sometimes just going through a process makes a piece unique even if it doesn't turn out as you originally envisioned. 

With that face to look at, how could you not love working on this portrait?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie!

I'm lucky enough to work with a woman who deserves the title "Super-Awesome-Cool/Neato." I wanted to do a portrait of her for a while, and had the opportunity when she gave me the head's up about an art contest entitled "Small Spaces."

The requirement for the contest was only that the piece had to be 2.5" x 3.5". Can do! Hence, the quality of the image is only so-so; it's much easier to shrink something down and make it look great than it is to blow it up to reveal all of the minute flaws. So there. Stephanie was a sweetheart about it, and I'm very glad I had the opportunity to do a piece for her.
Gouache on illustration board, 2.5" x 3.5"

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Lindsay Lohan

I really don't know why I did this. I guess I've always felt for Lindsay a bit because I grew up watching her in Disney movies, and since she's around the same age as me I really saw her decline as I've aged. It's strange, because it seems in every picture she has a different face, like things are sliding around and getting taped up or puffed up or painted on. 

But what I really like about her is how she keeps going despite all her apparent misery. She really embodies the sadness and emptiness of the celebrity lifestyle, and it shows in her face. 

UPDATE: The night I posted this I had a dream that Lindsay showed up at a party where this painting was. I apologized, but found once she left she took it with her. When I made to leave I realized she had stolen my car too, filed a police report but the cops were too scared of her craziness. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Jon Hamm...Slab Man?

Jon Hamm gives me Fred Flintstone vibes. I know I can't be the only one.