Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Story of Dyannie

I'm a huge sucker for kiddie movies and musicals, so when I finally watched Annie [for the first time a year ago] my mind was pretty much blown. Like, I got goosebumps during "Hard Knock Life" even after the 38th time of rewinding it. I know, it's ridiculous, 1982 is calling me and wants its pop culture reference back, Aileen Quinn is on Medicare by now, etc. I don't care!

Now, when I was 21-23, I had a huge obsession with Bob Dylan. The poetry from his first several albums appropriately struck me at the time in an incredibly significant way. To me, there was a great deal of comfort in knowing that abstracted language and themes of youthful restlessness and cynicism could be so timeless. I was so grateful for the gift of Dylan in the way his work was an elegant homage to the silliness of pretension.

So, what do you think the first thing I thought of was when I saw this screen shot:

Um, that's what I thought. So I created this portrait as a result:

Does anyone else see the resemblance? Maybe I'm the only one who's watched Annie in 25 years anyhow, but it still kills me every time I watch it. Look, I know the movie is based on the classic comic then Broadway play. But I like to think that Bob Dylan stole the "moth-eaten thrift store sweater and teased curly fro" look and the costume department just had to throw their hands up and roll with it.

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