Monday, June 25, 2012

Samurai Drunk Poster

I created this poster for the local improv group "Samurai Drunk." I seem to call them "Drunk Samurai" equally as often, which really puts my mom's habit of calling everything by a weird broken name (including her precious "Little Miss Kitty" collection) to shame.

1) I started by creating a graphic logo on a piece of acetate which I silk screened onto a handkerchief.

2) Shopping around for a cool little bottle of sake to make the Molotov cocktail, I found them either too large, too expensive, or both. I did, however, love the logo for the Tentaka Kuni "Hawk In the Heavens" sake, and honestly it wasn't that expensive. But I knew it wouldn't really be my cup of tea to drink and I could find an alternative (aka Photoshop!).

3) I ended up pouring out a bottle of Kikkoman soy sauce and stuffing my handkerchief into that (yes, I smelled the sauce for hours) then photographed the bottle in a light tent with matches strewn about. The soy sauce was great to work with, it loved trying different daring poses.

4) Finding this image to be my favorite, I tweaked it in Photoshop a bit by pulling out the contrast on the logo and layering the Tentaka Kuni label atop the original label (to add interest and skirt copyright infringement issues). I also slightly blurred out the edges of the light tent but left enough to keep it a little rough.  

5) Since this was meant for print, I created a standard size poster document in InDesign with bleed, and exported as a high-resolution .pdf file. I also made a smaller sized .jpeg for sharing, which is what you see here.

 I hope if you're in the area, you'll check out Samurai Drunk. They're an incredibly smart improv group and fun to watch as well.

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