Friday, July 13, 2012


For Brad's birthday this year I made him an original t-shirt with a graphic reminiscent of two of his favorite authors:  Ray Bradbury (with his face, signature and something of this style of drawing) and Kurt Vonnegut (the image inspired by his famous self portrait).

1) Again, I hand-painted the line drawing onto a piece of a piece of acetate (projector or clear plastic paper), after I made a pencil sketch.

2) I coated a silk screen with photo emulsion fluid and used a 200-watt bulb to expose the image onto the screen (if anyone is curious about the silk screening process, I can do a tutorial as well as provide links to some excellent videos/articles).

3) After washing out the positive image on the screen and letting it dry, I set the screen face down on the shirt to line it up (without proper equipment this is a little difficult) and ran some blue ink through the screen.

4) Letting that dry and washing and drying the screen of that color, I did another run of black ink slightly offset from the blue to give the print some dimension. I let that layer dry and set the ink with heat.

To be safe, wash your shirt once before you silk screen and turn it inside out every time you wash it. If you set it with high enough heat, the ink shouldn't budge, but hang onto your original drawing just in case (don't learn that the hard way like me)!

And if anyone is interested in getting this shirt, feel free to email me at

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